Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Arcanists Part III

sorry this is kinda of short - still working on the fight scenes in my head.

Opening his eyes, Steven saw that he and Julian were in a paneled hallway. “Where are the others?”
“I dropped them off to check the wards and make sure we have had no intruders. The wizards are paired up with my wolves - they are more effective guards that way. With practice you will be able to transport several people and drop them off in multiple locations. I will show you to your room - I think you should get some rest while you can. The next few days are going to be exhausting for you. I will let the others know. Here is your room. Have a good night Steven.”
Steven looked around the bedroom. It was devoid of anything that felt like home. It was just a room and he felt so alone. Sighing to himself, he changed for bed. Trying to sleep, he found himself thinking about Julian. Just what kind of abilities did Julian have? Was he really the son of Anne and Damien? If so, he was 2,000 years old. He didn’t look it. Julian was the hottest man he had ever seen. Smoldering good looks and that body - he could still feel the muscles of Julian’s body where it had touched his. Groaning, he reached down to touch his hard cock only to remember he was surrounded by wolves with great hearing. Damn!!
Finally falling asleep, Steven started dreaming. He was sitting on a black and red blanket by a beautiful crystal blue lake. Suddenly, he was laying on his back and Julian was leaning over him. Moving slightly, Julian started to run his hand up Steven’s inner thigh just as the wards went crazy. As he sat up in bed, he heard Julian‘s voice in his head, “Everything is ok, Steven. Go back to sleep, it was just Ivy arriving with Aaron’s team.”

1 comment:

  1. Are you ok? Are you coming back? I see your link on Night's posts, but still coming to this post. Am I doing something wrong? Hope you are ok!!
